Comprehensive Plumbers Insurance Australia

Plumbing can be a high risk industry, however you are in good hands! Coverscope specialises in the high risk construction sector.

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Insurance For Plumbers

Plumbers are crucial to maintaining the infrastructure of any property, dealing with everything from routine repairs to full-scale installations for new developments. The nature of plumbing work, which varies from simple tasks to complex system configurations, exposes plumbers to significant risks like water damage or system malfunctions. Adequate insurance coverage is essential, it not only manages these risks but also gives plumbers the confidence to operate without fear of unexpected financial burdens.

From Sole Traders through to Tier 1 contractors and anything in between, we can assist with all businesses large and small. Whether you operate in the residential, commercial or industrial space we will help find a suitable solution.

Types Of Insurance Plumbers Need

Plumbers operating in Australia need to consider several types of insurance coverage to protect their business, employees, and clients. Let’s look at critical types of insurance that plumbers typically require:

Public Liability Insurance

This coverage protects plumbing contractors against claims for personal injury or property damage caused to third parties during the course of their work. For example, public liability insurance can cover legal expenses and compensation claims if a contractor accidentally damages a client’s property while performing plumbing services.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Plumbing contractors often use vehicles to transport equipment and travel to job sites. Commercial vehicle insurance provides coverage for the contractor’s vehicles, protecting against risks such as accidents, theft, or damage.

Tool & Equipment Insurance

This coverage protects plumbing contractors’ tools, equipment, and machinery against loss, theft, or damage. Plumbers rely on specialised tools and equipment for their work, and this insurance provides financial coverage for repairing or replacing essential items.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

This insurance is mandatory for employers in Australia and provides coverage for work-related injuries or illnesses suffered by employees, including plumbing contractors and their staff. It ensures that contractors and their employees are protected and supported if they sustain injuries while working.

Income Protection Insurance

Income protection insurance is an essential consideration for plumbers in Australia. Income protection insurance provides financial support if you cannot work due to illness or injury, ensuring you can maintain a percentage of your income during your recovery period.

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Coverscope Is Here To Help With Your Quote

Securing comprehensive insurance is straightforward with Coverscope. Fill out our Quick Quote form at the top of this page, and an experienced broker will contact you to discuss tailored insurance options that align with your business needs. If you prefer a direct conversation, give us a call and speak with one of our experts, who can guide you through the insurance selection process.

Your Plumbing Business, Our Priority

At Coverscope, we understand the intricacies of the plumbing profession and are committed to providing insurance solutions that help you manage both foreseeable and unforeseen challenges. Contact us today to ensure your business is protected with the right coverage.

What Types Of Insurance Do Plumbers Typically Need In Australia?

Plumbers in Australia generally require various kinds of insurance to fully protect their business, including Public Liability Insurance to cover injury or property damages claims, Tool Insurance (also known as General Property) to cover the repair or replacement of stolen or damaged tools, Vehicle and Plant Insurance to cover utes, vans, trucks and plant.

How Does Public Liability Insurance Benefit Plumbers?

Public Liability Insurance is crucial for plumbers as it protects against financial losses resulting from injury or damage claims made by third parties due to the plumber’s work. This type of insurance can cover legal fees and compensation costs, providing significant protection during such events.

What Factors Influence The Cost Of Plumbers Insurance?

The cost of insurance for plumbers can vary depending on several factors, including the level of coverage chosen, the size and risk profile of the business, and the business’s claims history. Annual turnover, number of employees and payments to contractors/labour hire are the main rating factors

What usually isn’t covered?

Exclusions, the excess you need to pay and limits of liability can vary greatly depending on your insurer.

Public & Products Liability Policies generally won’t include cover for:


Cost of rectifying faulty workmanship


Damage to your own product


Claims by employees


Claims arising out of the use of a registered motor vehicle


Claims related to asbestos

Case Study

During a routine repair, James an experienced plumber caused extensive water damage to a client’s property.

James incurred significant financial liability and damage to his reputation.

Thankfully James has the right insurance to protect against unforeseen accidents and legal disputes.